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SV6001  GLOW STICK Curves  Also see BB GLOWS


sv6001.jpg (43621 bytes) Curve Bar without Glow Stick
Order # SV6001, 
14G, 7/16"  $ 2.99 Each
Just the Metal Bar Part
This price does not include
the actual glow stick nor o-rings.
You can buy just the package of Glow Sticks.
They come 5 assorted colors per pack only.

$ 1.60/ per Pkg of 5 Asst Color Sticks Only

Don't forget to order the O-Rings $ 0.10 Each
Order #SV6002
sv6005.jpg (33135 bytes) sv6006.jpg (40547 bytes) sv6003.jpg (39184 bytes) sv6004.jpg (34023 bytes)
  Order # SV6002 for Assembled, Must order a Minimum of  5 
$4.50 Each = $ 22.50 Total Minimum